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Implementation Responsibilities

While MDIP’s most immediate goal is building and demonstrating the consensus for interoperability in the transit industry, the coalition is aware that the measure of that consensus will be the concrete changes that come from it. The Principles cannot succeed unless they are accompanied by a plan for their implementation. The coauthor coalition has developed actionable responsibilities that apply to each of the individual stakeholder groups. Stakeholders cosigning the Principles agree to meet the applicable responsibilities listed below. The coalition is also developing resources to help stakeholders successfully achieve these goals that can be found on the Resources page.

>> Mobility technology components shall

  • Explicitly state that transit agencies or other mobility service providers own mobility data produced by their respective mobility technology components.
  • Utilize current or proposed open standards (along with associated best practices) to receive, process, store and export mobility data.
  • Where neither open standards nor proposed open standards are yet available, data schemas and APIs to receive, process, store and export mobility data shall be compatible with open standards and/or proposed open standards, free from cost and restrictions to use, and posted to a public website in human- and the appropriate language-neutral, machine-readable format.
  • Allow transit agencies and other mobility service providers to, free from cost and without restrictions, download, distribute and publish data owned by that agency or service provider in a well-documented format.
  • Provide transit agencies and other mobility service providers and any other parties at their discretion, free from cost and without restrictions, real-time, read-only or read/write fully-capable programmatic access to mobility data owned by that agency or service provider, including geospatial data (e.g. GIS files).
  • Protect individual privacy and anonymity.

>> Transportation technology companies, mobility service providers, and transportation system managers shall

  • Collaboratively develop and adopt open standards where gaps currently exist.

>> Transportation technology companies shall

  • Ensure the products they provide to transit providers are consistent with the Principles.

>> Mobility providers and transportation system managers shall